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Sebastian Hender

Passionate developer with an attention to detail.

Top skills

Languages, frameworks and tools.


Cixel preview

Founder and full stack developer

I co-found and worked on Cixel Pty Ltd in 2018, as a full stack developer.
Cixel is a company that was initially formed to create a social media app which focuses on gamification and user rewards.
Recently the Cixel team has pivoted towards projects based on similar ideas.

Graphic designer

Graphic designer

I worked at Smart Colour Signs where I designed, developed and maintained a variety of digital products.
Since a young age, I've always had a strong passion for designing and creating anything digital.


  • Diploma in Web Development
  • Diploma in Graphic Design (on hold)
  • WACE Certificate

Current projects

  • Cryptocurrency bot app
  • Portfolio and blog app
More projects